Storm Leaves Rye in Darkness


(PHOTO: It’s dark in here…)

Four hundred and fifty eight Con Edison customers, or 7.2% of its 6,277 Rye customers, remained without power Monday morning at 8am, after a storm carrying high winds whipped through the area Sunday night. The posted restoration time from Con Edison is 11pm Monday night.

While Rye represents only 1.7% of the Con Ed customer base in Westchester County, it represents 16.8% of the current power outage (458 of a total of 2,719 without power).

It was only in August when we all dealt with Con Ed’s slow response to Tropical Storm Isaias. Rye Mayor Josh Cohn ended up testifying at a State hearing after that mess about “Con Ed’s Persistent Misbehavior”. It took over a week for full restoration.

This storm is not as bad, so let’s hope we do better.


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