Playland’s Main Parking Lot To Close for Winter

The Playland parking lot.

Rye Playland’s main parking lot will close for the winter starting next Friday, December 11th. Rye guy and County boss George Latimer, who lives adjacent to the Playland lot, told a small section of the lot will remain open to accommodate visitors.

Off season, because the lot is so large, it is often used by residents to teach kids how to drive. Sadly, it also means the Rye PD and Westchester County PD get reports of cars drag racing in the same area.

Residents also use the lot in the off season to access Edith Read Sanctuary, the Playland Boardwalk and Beach, and Rye Town Park.


One Comment

  1. PLEASE DO NOT CLOSE THE PLAYLAND PARKING LOT – It is a shame and unnecessary to close the lot because of a few bad apples. Some well placed signs announcing a large fine for drag racing and patrolling can solve the “drag racing” problem without losing this open space which is valued by the rest of us.

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