Police Blotter: Cat, Not Burglar; Duck, Duck, Shoot & More

The police blotter is a highlight of recent activity from the City of Rye Police Department.

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Cat, Not Burglar. November 26. Eve Lane. Alarm-Burglary Activities. Foyer motion detector. Homeowner is ______. Key holder Al ______ let us into construction site – appears to be an animal that set the alarm off.

A Drag. November 26. Playland Park. Assist Other Police Department. Caller reports black Mustang “drag racing” in the back parking lot. Unfounded.

Fishy. November 26. Assist Citizen. Caller reports a group of kids on the Milton Harbor docks. They appear to be standing at the end attempting to submerge the dock and he is concerned for their safety. Spoke with a mother and her three children. They were watching the fish in the harbor. No damage to dock. condition corrected.

Gassy. November 26. Purchase Street / Highland Hall. Assist Rye Fire Department. Possible gas leak. RYE FD FORCED ENTRY INTO APT ___ AND ___ TO ASSIST CON ED LOCATING GAS LEAK. CALLER FROM APT ___. SUPER ON SCENE. 98

A Roller Coaster. November 26. Playland Park / Thomas Keane Plaza. VTL Violation. Cars racing in the parking lot of Playland.

Brush It Off. November 27. Purchase Street. Alarm-Burglary. Scarsdale Security reporting 10-11 at Dr. Maro’s office. First Floor / Front door motion. Permit #_______. _______ WHO IS THE RECEPTIONIST AT BLUE WAVE ORTHODONTICS. ACCIDENTALLY SET OFF ALARM.

Yutes. November 27. Parsonage Point. Neighborhood Trouble. youths in the area being loud and disorderly. parsonage point all quiet, spoke to a group of youths near Van Wagenen and Stuyvesant and advised them to keep noise down. backed.

Picking Up Driving. November 28. Playland Park / Thomas Keane Plaza. Assist Other Police Department. county police requests assistance with a speeding white pickup in lot. car 10 sent. upon arrival, noticed parked hatchback with young male and older male in driver seat. vehicle was parked, noticed no infractions. vehicle left the scene with older male driving. appeared to be a father teaching son how to drive.

Duck, Duck, Shoot. November 28. American Yacht Club. Noise Complaint. Complaint stated hearing duck hunters consistently shooting. Marine 26. confirmed the sounds of gun fire were coming from the American Yacht Club and not from duck hunters. The club skeet shoots on the weekend. All proper signage was visible. No violations observed.

You’re Cut Off. November 28. Hewlett Avenue. Neighborhood Trouble.  report of 3 males in their 20’s possibly drunk banging on his door. When complainant confronted them they initially attempted to start a fight then proceeded to walk away towards Forest Ave. One male was described wearing a grey/blue flannel. spoke to parties involved who stated they were on their way home and that there will be no further disturbances. 98

Teamwork. November 28. Out of Town. Assist Other Police Department. assisted with apprehension of armed carjacking suspects in stolen BMW on US1/slater st. backed pcpd supp to follow.

Fishy. November 29. Kirby Lane. Assist Citizen. complainant states unknown male fishing from her property line. spoke with resident and spoke with fisherman. fisherman had already left and stated he did not know that was private property.

Duck! November 29. Hen Island, Long Island Sound. Duck Hunting Complaint.  Received a verbal complaint from a duck hunter today regarding another hunter who was shooting from a moving vessel and discharging his firearm in the direction of other hunters. I was able to identify the hunter as _____ _____ of Rye. I spoke to him regarding the complaint. A verbal warning was issued to him.

Flotsam & Jetsam. November 30. Milton Road / Harbor House. Vessel In Distress Milton. caller advises of a large shrink-wrapped object floating towards Rye Golf Club. BC Deshensky dispatched. Responded to area, located the Kayak rack from harbor house adrift. While attempting to take it in tow a boat from the Harbor House arrived on scene and took possession of it. NY ____ UG towed it to the marina docks without incident.

Always Room 235… November 30. Midland Avenue / Marriott Courtyard. Courtyard Marriot is asking for assistance removing 3 people from room 235. Parties vacated property prior to PD arrival.

Pole #72 November 30. Dearborn Avenue / Milton Road. Assist Rye Fire Department. Caller stated a transformer has blown in the area of Dearborn Ave and Milton Rd (between Cornerstone & Milton Fire house). 60 control notified. TOT FD. Incident Reactivated. Pole #72. ConEd notified.

Gassy. December 1. Chamberlain Street. Assist Citizen. caller states large construction truck idling at location. caller states the truck has large odor of diesel fuel and is loud. situation corrected 98

Burning Call. December 2. Oakland Beach Avenue. Assist Citizen. Caller reports that he can observe from his window an open flame at the base of the hill to where DPW parks their trucks. Reporting party lives on Ellsworth St at the end. Backed up PO Whalen.


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