Technical Issues Prevents Release of Local COVID Data; 1,568 Westchester Resident Deaths – Monday, December 14, 2020

George Latimer COVID-19 briefing December 14, 2020 -- 1

(PHOTO: Rye guy and Westchester County boss George Latimer during his December 14, 2020 press briefing.)

On Monday, Westchester County was unable to release local town and city specific COVID data. “Due to technical difficulties, there will be no Covid-19 map released today December 14,” said a County spokesperson in a note. “We are working to rectify the issue, and hope to release a map tomorrow.”

In his Monday briefing, Rye guy and County boss George Latimer did announce a second round of funding for County-based small businesses and nonprofits facing challenges as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Part of the Business FIRST grant program, the County has secured $4 million in additional funding to support 175 eligible organizations seeking relief. In addition, 20 of the County’s Chambers of Commerce applied for and were each awarded a grant to be used for staffing and providing business services.

Just like everyone else, county executives look at the NY State COVID-19 tracker for county and state level statistics on the pandemic and at the NY State regional  monitoring dashboard to see our progress towards continued reopening.

The COVID-19 numbers:

Fatalities of Westchester residents: 1,568
Fatalities at Westchester nursing homes – The Osborn Home in Rye is reporting six (6) confirmed COVID-19 deaths and six (6) presumed COVID-19 deaths thru December 13th (that’s no new confirmed deaths since the prior update). There is no data from Rye Manor or Vienna Senior Housing.)
Fatalities in Westchester: 1,712
Numbers of persons tested: 1,250,533
Tested positive: 59,431
% Positive results: 4.8%
Persons tested today: 9,287
New positives today: 594


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