Effort to Research Rye Vets Seeks Volunteers
(PHOTO: One of over 2,100 veterans from the City of Rye, James Larkin lived at 262 Purchase Street. He enlisted in 1942 and served in U.S. Marine Corps – HQ Company, 3rd Battalion, 26th Marines, 5th Marine Division during World War II.)
A ten year old community based effort to research and write a biography of every veteran from Rye is asking for your help. The Rye veteran’s project as of today encompasses records on over 2,100 men and women from Rye who served in World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Forces behind the effort include resident Chris Maloney, former Rye High School teacher Dave Ball, American Legion Post 128 Adjutant Tim Moynihan and the Rye Historical Society.
The group is looking for individuals, families and groups to help research and write biographies on each of Rye’s 1,450 WWII veterans. The group has all the primary research, the tools and instructions available to write the biographies.
It takes about one hour to write a single biography, and the group is welcoming those wanting to write a single bio, or families and groups wanting a larger project. Last school year, history students at Rye High School helped to complete over 80 biographies of Korean war veterans. Every researcher is cited on the published biography.
To volunteer, contact the group via email (Info@ryevets.org) or its website.