Mask Up & Play: “High Risk” Sports Start Tuesday

Saying “the situation is extremely fluid and all information is subject to change at any time,” Rye Athletic Director Susan Reid Dullea said Monday the Rye schools intend to offer “high risk sports” winter sports including basketball, competitive cheerleading, and ice hockey.
The offering applies to grades 9-12 starting on Tuesday. Wrestling will not be offered. There will be no spectators permitted at indoor “high-risk” sporting events, however the district is making arrangements to live stream events from the high school gym.
The full announcement follows:
Date: Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Update on Winter High Risk Sports
To: Rye City School District Recipients
Dear Families of RCSD Athletes,
I hope you and your athletes are all safe and healthy. I am reaching out to provide you with the latest information about starting high-risk winter interscholastic athletics. Please note that the situation is extremely fluid and all information is subject to change at any time. I will communicate any and all changes as soon as possible.
High-Risk Winter Sports – 9th through 12th grades
On Wednesday, January 27, 2021 the Section One Executive Committee approved “high-risk” sports pending the approval of the Westchester Department of Health. As of today, we are preparing to offer basketball, competitive cheerleading, and ice hockey. These sports will begin February 2nd for student-athletes in grades 9-12. Once your child (or children) is registered on Family ID and approved, they may participate in these sports. Further information will come directly from the coach of the sport based upon the Family ID signup. It’s important that Family ID registration be completed as soon as possible as there will be a tryout process for each sport and, due to cohort-based schedules, rosters will be set by the end of the week.
Wrestling is a “high-risk” winter sport that we will continue to monitor, as it is a sport that creates unique challenges with safety precautions.
Modified Sports – 7th and 8th grades
The Section One Executive Committee has canceled modified sports for the winter season.
FamilyID Registration
All students interested in trying out for the high-risk winter sports must be registered on Family ID: Please complete a separate registration for each student:
Online Health Assessment
Student-athletes must complete their online health assessment forms daily for entrance to practice. Coaches will be keeping detailed attendance logs and will not allow anyone to practice without a completed health form.
Season Dates:
Winter High Risk Sports : February 2nd – March 14th
Fall Season 2 Sports: March 8th-April 25th
Spring Season: April 19th-June 13th
Spectator Rules:
There will be no spectators permitted at indoor “high-risk” sporting events, as per the Executive committee of Section One. Each school will have the ability to designate one senior night, per sport, where two spectators per home player will be permitted.
The district has partnered with Local Live. This will allow streaming capabilities for all high school contests in our gymnasium. Specific information, including streaming links will be communicated to families as we receive schedules.
I realize many factors continue to change daily; we appreciate your patience, understanding and support as we progress through the re-opening of interscholastic sports. We are eager to give our students the opportunity to participate in athletics in a safe and healthy environment. With your support for the guidance and health and safety protocols we are putting in place, we will have the best opportunity to continue moving forward in a positive direction.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Athletic Department. The NYSPHSAA and RCSD Return to Athletics documents can be found on the RCSD website under Rye Athletics Resources.
Susan Reid Dullea
Director of Health, Physical Education, and Athletics