Rye is #9 on Top Truck Bottleneck List

I-95 just before the CT State line on 02-26-2021. closest lane is northbound

(PHOTO: New York State Thruway cameras on Friday showed congestion on I-95 just after the I-287 interchange and before the Connecticut line.)

Not a list you want to be on.

Rye – and more specifically the I-95 & I-287 intersection – is one of the most congested places in the country.

Rye has placed 9th nationwide on the 2021 Top Truck Bottleneck List compiled by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) using truck GPS data from over 1 million freight trucks. The group measures the level of truck-involved congestion at over 300 locations on the national highway system.

The condition impacts commerce, pollution and safety. Just several days ago, on February 17th, there was a multi car pile up on I-95 in Rye.

ATRI’s analysis, which utilized data from 2020, found that while there were COVID-related impacts on traffic across the country as car drivers stayed at home, the year was not without severe congestion. Average truck speeds at a fourth of the bottlenecks on ATRI’s list were 45 MPH or less, reflecting both a return to pre-pandemic freight demand throughout the year and the impact of numerous roadway construction projects in 2020.

“For decades, ATA has been sounding the alarm about how the condition of our highways is contributing to congestion – which slows down commerce, contributes to pollution and reduces safety. ATRI’s bottleneck report highlights where our most critical issues are and should be a guide for policymakers at the state and federal level,” said American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear. “The cost of doing nothing is always higher than the cost of fixing these problems and we cannot wait any longer to address this mounting crisis.”


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