Groundhog Day at Rye Middle & High School
Many would agree this entire last year has felt like groundhog day. On Wednesday, it was – literally – groundhog day at Rye High and Middle School as a groundhog showed up at pickup time, causing traffic and commotion.
“(The) groundhog lodged himself under a parent’s car on Parsons Street during dismissal and refused to budge,” said schools boss Eric Byrne in a note. “Fortunately, a member of the Rye Police Department was on hand for traffic control and was able to remove the groundhog.”
Evans Anderson, a sixth grade student at RMS sent Byrne a blow-by-blow account of ‘Groundhog Gate’ as he called it. Evans shared, “The adult told us to back up from the groundhog. Even more adults started arriving, turning into a full blown traffic jam.”
Here to wishing you wake up tomorrow to a new warm spring day, with no groundhogs.