INTERVIEW: Republican District Leader Julie Killian

Do you know who your local district leaders are? Do you even know what a district leader is? Earlier in March, we introduced you to the head of the local Democratic and Republican parties. And the various candidates for the June primaries have just submitted their petitions to the Board of Elections that are necessary to get them placed on the ballot.

District Leaders logoWho does this grueling work of collecting signatures? The district leaders in your political party. Each party has 28 district leaders across the 14 Rye election districts. This is true door-to-door combat – real hyperlocal stuff (so we love it!).

We invite all Rye district leaders to contact for an interview. We are pleased to kick off with a known entity – Julie Killian. She told about her role as one of the two Republican District Leaders for District 8.

Your Name: Julie Powers Killian

Your Local Party Affiliation: Rye City Republic Committee

You are a District Leader in which one of Rye’s 14 election districts? District 8 (see district maps) Describe – roughly – the boundaries of the District and the most unique features within the district. 

Julie Killian
Julie Killian

Killian: The 8th district is roughly bound by Grace Church St, Forest Ave, Midland Ave over to near the Midland School.

Describe the role of a district leader.

Killian: You are the representative of your party to the district. The main responsibility is to get signatures for candidates to get them on the ballot. Some DL’s really get to know their districts and can be helpful to candidates when they are campaigning. They are also a conduit from the district back to the party about what the residents care about and what they are thinking.

What type of person makes a good district leader?

Killian: A good district leader knows their district and is willing to walk neighborhoods to get petitions signed and introduce candidates around. It is also helpful to have a good understanding of some of the important issues facing Rye.

What hyperlocal issues are of particular interest to Rye residents in your district?


  1. People in my district and all over town are concerned about the quality of the roads. They want them fixed.
  2. Summer is coming up and people want downtown to again become a pedestrian walkway. They think it brings more people into town both from Rye and other surrounding towns and its fun!
  3. Many are concerned about some of the things going on in our schools with covid and new curriculum and hope for more transparency from officials.

You have previously served on Rye City Council and ran for Lieutenant Governor. How are party district leaders helpful to candidates and office holders at the city, county or state level? How were they helpful to you in your various races? 

Killian: They are most helpful when they vocally support you to friends and residents and walk you around their district to meet residents. For races beyond Rye, it is helpful to have people volunteer to help make phone calls to voters, send emails to their friends, give you any kind of platform to access voters. And you always need help getting signatures on petitions to make sure you can get on the ballot!!

Thanks Julie!


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