Letters of Pride: Marion Anderson

MyRye.com is publishing a series of letters of support for raising the Pride flag on City flagpoles. The letters were sent to the City ahead of the City Council voting to fly the flag, and are a matter of public record.

PRIDE flag

From: <______@optonline.net>

Subject: Pride Flag

Date: April 23, 2021 at 6:51:38 AM EDT

To: <jcohn@ryeny.gov>, <jsouza@ryeny.gov>, <bstacks@ryeny.gov>,
<sgoddard@ryeny.gov>, <rmecca@ryeny.gov>, <ptarlow@ryeny.gov>,

Dear Council:

I watched with embarrassment how students were treated so disrespectfully by members of the council at the meeting earlier this week. I simply do not understand the short-sighted and mean-spirited refusal to fly the Pride Flag. Other neighboring communities, Westchester County and now U.S. Embassies around the world will fly the flag.

I see NO reason to spend OUR tax payer dollars ($10,000) to review this issue. A simple motion by the Mayor and Council for this “particular” request must be made and approved. As a community, we should stand up and defend the rights of LGBTQ+ people. Why do you let fear keep you from granting this request? Shame on those of you that are showing your true colors – stand up and let the community share support in this visible way. There is enough intolerance in this world.

Do what is right and reverse and approve this wrong immediately! Be the change….
Disappointed, ashamed and angry cons6tuent,

Marion Anderson
(lifelong and embarrassed Rye City resident)


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