Letters of Pride: Paula Fung

MyRye.com is publishing a series of letters of support for raising the Pride flag on City flagpoles. The letters were sent to the City ahead of the City Council voting to fly the flag, and are a matter of public record.

PRIDE flag

From: “lapaula84 (null)”

Subject: Pride flag

Date: April 23, 2021 at 9:34:33 AM EDT

To: <jcohn@ryeny.gov>, “Julie A. Souza” <jsouza@ryeny.gov>, “bstacks@ryeny.gov” <bstacks@ryeny.gov>, <sgoddard@ryeny.gov>, “rmecca@ryeny.gov” <rmecca@ryeny.gov>, <ptarlow@ryeny.gov>,

I am in favor of raising the Pride flag.

Please let’s not look like old fashioned fuddy-duddies to our young people. (See what I did there 😉

“Be the Change”, as they say.

The constitutional issue seems favorable, a policy is fine, but how about codifying one after June? And I actually agree with Suki, you can un-couple that issue from the questions we have for outside counsel.

And you don’t need to address this now, but is there really a big chance of a request for hateful speech depicted on a flag being requested to fly with the American flag? Nazi sympathizers? Confederate flag lovers?

I do understand we don’t want to repeat the Drag Queen scenario, but the protest against that story hour led to a great deal of more acceptable programming.
Sometimes you have to go overboard in order to back up a little and get it right- what is that definition of compromise? I know you know it!!

Thank you all for your service and for having the very best intentions,


Paula Fung


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