LETTER: Councilmembers Supporting Cohn in Primary
In a letter to MyRye.com, a group of City Councilmembers – Emily Hurd, Carolina Johnson, Richard Mecca, Julie Souza and Ben Stacks – explain why they are supporting Josh Cohn for Mayor in the June 22nd Democratic primary.

We are current and former City Councilmembers who share the experience of having served with Mayor Josh Cohn. Most of us have also served with former Councilmember, Danielle Tagger-Epstein. Josh is the candidate endorsed by the Rye City Democratic Committee; Danielle is challenging him in a June 22nd primary.
Through our service, we are familiar with the skills required to perform the volunteer mayoral role effectively, namely intellectual horsepower, thoughtful temperament and unimpeachable ethics. When considering both candidates, it is our opinion that Josh Cohn is the better qualified candidate.
Josh’s background as an attorney, with a financial specialty, has benefited the City immensely. The analytical rigor and substantial research he employs in evaluating complex issues and making decisions has protected the city and advanced our best interests. Josh entered politics advocating for the protection of residential property when it came to proposed cellular installations throughout Rye. Josh’s background informed the City’s legal strategy, which yielded favorable rulings in federal and state courts.
Josh leads with responsive care for our residents, not with emotion. He is not one for impassioned speeches but is diligent in the work he does behind the scenes to help those who need it—from re-establishing the Senior Advocacy Committee, helping seniors and homebound get vaccines, to working with the Chamber of Commerce, supporting our small businesses during COVID, to holding Con Ed accountable during storms and power outages. Josh’s even temper, thoughtful approach and humble commitment to hard work is admirable—and effective.
Josh is relentlessly honest and even-handed. He has no personal agenda or causes to advance and seeks no higher office. His goal is simply to do as much good as he can for as many as he can.
In contrast, we were witness to Danielle’s breach of ethics while on the City Council. She used her title and authority to try to get felony weapons charges dropped for a friend who was arrested in a Rye school zone with a carful of weapons (loaded semi-automatics, brass-knuckles, ceramic knives, blood coagulant, etc.). Danielle intimidated Rye police such that they wrote a complaint letter about her behavior. In her lobbying on behalf of her friend, she cited her position on the City Council in an attempt to influence. Danielle breached the very code of ethics that we, as volunteer City Councilmembers, swear to uphold.
On the basis of intellect, temperament, ethics—and a track record of accomplishments—we unreservedly endorse Josh Cohn for Mayor. To our Democratic friends, please join us in voting for Josh on June 22nd.
Emily Hurd
Carolina Johnson
Richard Mecca
Julie Souza
Ben Stacks
This letter says it all. Thank you for printing it.