Latimer: Make a Bee Line and Get on the Bus

Latimer on the Bee Line Bus July 16, 2021
(PHOTO: Rye guy Latimer rides the Bee Line bus to Playland on Friday.)

Rye guy and County boss George Latimer is encouraging residents and visitors to use the Bee-Line system to travel throughout Westchester this summer – including to Rye Playland.

To demonstrate how clean and comfortable the buses are, Latimer took a bus ride from the Rye Metro North Station down to Playland Friday, where he held a press conference to talk about the buses. Additional Bee-Line buses have been added this summer to Playland Park, so that riders can enjoy a full day of rides, food and family fun.

“The Bee-Line System is a great way to travel in Westchester,” said Latimer.

Another Rye guy – Commissioner of the Westchester County Department of Transportation Hugh Greechan – was busy promoting the bus lines new marketing campaign. “We are excited to launch this new marketing campaign to make more people aware of the bus system here in Westchester County,” said Greechan. “The Bee-Line gives you the freedom and independence to explore and enjoy the many destinations in Westchester County and beyond. With over 3,300 bus stops and almost 60 routes, you are never too far away from getting where you need to go.”

The Westchester County Bee-Line system serves over 27 million passengers annually, with convenient service connecting riders to work, recreation, shopping and beyond. Over 65 percent of County residents live within walking distance of a Bee-Line bus route, making the bus both close and convenient for travel throughout Westchester.

The County has made a number of health and safety improvements on the buses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. New features on the buses are as follows:

  • All bus drivers and riders are required to wear a mask on the bus at all times.
  • Plexiglas shields have been installed around where the bus drivers sit.
  • All new electric and hybrid-electric buses are significantly cleaner and more energy efficient, reducing our impact on the environment.


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