Tarlow’s Council Seat To Be Filled in Two Step Action

PM City Hall #0010 2021-05-21 Council Room 3 DSC_0563
(PHOTO: Rye City Hall Council Chambers. Credit: Pei Pei Martin.)

The seat of former Rye City Councilwoman Pam Tarlow will be filled in a two-step action, adding an additional twist to the run-up to this fall’s November election. Tarlow’s Council departure in July, after she decide to move to White Plains, had ugly exchanges between her and the mayor and four of the five remaining council members.

“The political committees must by late [the week of August 2nd to] designate candidates to run in what I understand will be a separate ballot attached to the general election in November,” Rye Mayor Josh Cohn told MyRye.com. “That separate ballot will be for a two-year Council term.”

Calls into to the heads of the local Democratic and Republican political committees went unanswered last week, and the mayor said he was unaware of any shortlist. More immediately the Council will appoint someone to fill Tarlow’s seat until the end of the year.


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