Girls Varsity Soccer Leaves Sleepy Hollow Headless, Ends Regular Season Play as Undefeated League Champs

Rye Girls Soccer vs. Sleepy Hollow 2021-10-17

Rye Girls Varsity Soccer left Sleepy Hollow headless on Sunday, taking the win at home 6-1 and ending regular season play as undefeated league champions.

Rye had a beautiful afternoon to celebrate their seniors on their last home game of the regular season,” said Rye Girls Varsity Soccer Coach Rich Savage. “Sleepy Hollow came our very strong but seniors Molly Richardson and Claire Verille played solid defense to limit Sleepy’s scoring ability.”

Freshman Lyla Keenan for the scoring going for Rye at the 18th minute of the first half. Her goal was followed up by freshman Bowyn Brown with a beautiful placed from senior Annabelle Thomas.

Rye stayed off the second half string with Lyla Keenan scoring her second goal of the match in the first four minutes if the half. Senior Hannah Bertisch dribbled through four players for the next goal, three minutes later. Finally, Megyn Coyne scored the final goal for Rye. Bell Jackson had three saves on the day for Rye.

The seniors finished their season with their fourth straight undefeated league title. Watch the replay. The first round of the Sectional tournament is on Friday, October 22. The time and opponent is still TBD.


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