Veterans Day Ceremonies In Person; Calbo Principal Speaker

The City of Rye will carry on its tradition of honoring those residents who have served on Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11th, 2021. Rye American Legion Post 128 will be conducting the ceremony – in person – at Rye City Hall at 10:30am. The ceremony is planned to be outdoors, weather depending, and will move indoors if necessary. Last year’s ceremony had to be virtual due to the pandemic.
American Legion Post 128 Commander Fred de Barros will lead the ceremony. Rye City Mayor Josh Cohn, County Executive George Latimer and Assemblyman Steve Otis are expected to deliver remarks. Rev. Deacon Katie Lawrence of Christ’s Church in Rye will lead the benediction. Robin Latimer will be the vocalist. The principal speaker will be Mary Ann Calbo.
Ms. Calbo has been a member of the American Legion Auxiliary for the past 37 years. She is the American Legion Auxiliary Representative of the Veteran’s Hudson Valley Health Care System at Montrose and the Field Coordinator of the NYS Veterans Nursing home for the last seven years. Mary Ann has been honored by the Hospital as “Volunteer of the Year” in 2019 for her work on behalf of Veterans.