Big Daffodil Dig is Saturday @ Rye Town Park

DAFFODIL-DIG-Postcard Rye Town Park November 13, 2021UPDATE: Start time has been moved to 11:15am due to the rain in the weather forecast,

The Little Garden Club of Rye and the Friends of Rye Town Park invite Rye citizens to the Big Daffodil Dig. The Planting Co. is arriving from Virginia this Saturday, November 13th between 12-2 to plant some 20,000 bulbs in the great lawn near Forest Avenue.

Local residents are invited to come out and watch the machine do its work and then help hand plant an additional 2,500 bulbs in beds throughout our beloved park. Bring a trowel and some garden gloves and enjoy a couple hours spreading a bit of magic.

You must register for the “Big Dig” and the Friends of Rye Town Park always appreciates donations.


One Comment

  1. PLEASE NOTE NEW START TIME 11:15! Due to rain forecast for 1 PM tomorrow, we pushed up the start time of the Big Daffodil Dig to 11:15 AM. Hope to see you there!
    -Friends of Rye Town Park
    -Little Garden Club of Rye

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