Rye FD Adds Career Supervision 24/7 with Four Promotions (Photos & Video)

The Rye FD promoted four firefighters to the position of Lieutenant - Andrew Northshield, John Rodrigues, Clyde Pitts 3rd and John Cotter. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall on January 4, 2022.
(PHOTO: Rye City Clerk Carolyn D’Andrea, Esq. (far right) administers the oath to the four Rye FD firefighters promoted to the position of Lieutenant: (left to right) John Cotter, Clyde Pitts 3rd, Andrew Northshield and John Rodrigues. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall on January 4, 2022.)

The Rye Fire Department now has career supervision on every shift – 24 hours a day.

The Rye FD promoted four firefighters to the position of Lieutenant - Andrew Northshield, John Rodrigues, Clyde Pitts 3rd and John Cotter. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall on January 4, 2022.
(PHOTO: Rye Public Safety Commissioner Mike Kopy presented each of the four their promotion papers and new badges.)

On Tuesday morning, the department promoted four firefighters – Andrew Northshield, John Rodrigues, Clyde Pitts 3rd and John Cotter – to the position of Lieutenant. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall where new Rye Public Safety Commissioner Mike Kopy, who presides over the police and fire departments, presented each of the four their promotion papers and new badges.

Until Tuesday, most days Rye was without a career (paid) supervisor on many work shifts. “Those of us that are getting promoted will actually have rank and have responsibility and have authority and all those good things that, frankly, [that are] needed,” said Andrew Northshield, one of the new Lieutenants and Local 2029 representative. “It’s a clear line of command. We know who is in charge and you know somebody is always showing up.”

The Rye FD promoted four firefighters to the position of Lieutenant - Andrew Northshield, John Rodrigues, Clyde Pitts 3rd and John Cotter. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall on January 4, 2022.
(PHOTO: City Manager Greg Usry.)

“I was thinking as I was driving over here this morning how much of the contrast today is to two years ago,” said City Manager Greg Usry, recounting all the work of multiple parties to get to Tuesday’s milestone. “Approximately two years ago when Lieutenant Tietjen put in his papers to retire, I think at that point, we were down to 17 firefighters and and no administrative lieutenant and no command.”

“I certainly appreciate all the work that went into getting to where we are, with the union representation, [we] worked very collaboratively to get to where we are. I appreciate the support of [volunteer] Chief Bochicchio and his positive attitude and support,” continued Usry. “What we endeavored to do year and a half ago was a heavy lift both financially as well as just administratively.”

There has always been a historic push and pull between paid and volunteer firefighters, as acknowledged by the various speakers, perhaps most pointedly by Mayor Josh Cohn.

The Rye FD promoted four firefighters to the position of Lieutenant - Andrew Northshield, John Rodrigues, Clyde Pitts 3rd and John Cotter. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall on January 4, 2022.
(PHOTO: Mayor Josh Cohn.)

“Your promotions represent a change in our departmental command structure,” said Cohn. “As you take on your new roles, we ask you to remember that our department is a combined Fire Department. All of you got your start as volunteers. And some of you have deep family ties to our volunteer corps. Please support and honor your volunteer colleagues. Our city needs them and it needs you. And it needs you as lieutenants to better our partnership between career and volunteer firefighters. So thank you for all you’ve done in the past and for all that we know you can accomplish in the future. You have the city’s high hopes and very best wishes, thank you.”

Watch a video of the ceremony below.

The Rye FD promoted four firefighters to the position of Lieutenant - Andrew Northshield, John Rodrigues, Clyde Pitts 3rd and John Cotter. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall on January 4, 2022.
(PHOTO: Lieutenant John Cotter with his family.)
The Rye FD promoted four firefighters to the position of Lieutenant - Andrew Northshield, John Rodrigues, Clyde Pitts 3rd and John Cotter. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall on January 4, 2022.
(PHOTO: Lieutenant Clyde Pitts 3rd with his family.)
The Rye FD promoted four firefighters to the position of Lieutenant - Andrew Northshield, John Rodrigues, Clyde Pitts 3rd and John Cotter. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall on January 4, 2022.
(PHOTO: Lieutenant Andrew Northshield with his family.)
The Rye FD promoted four firefighters to the position of Lieutenant - Andrew Northshield, John Rodrigues, Clyde Pitts 3rd and John Cotter. The ceremony was held at Rye City Hall on January 4, 2022.
(PHOTO: Lieutenant John Rodrigues with his family.)


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