Rye Boys Varsity Squash MVP: Rafay Syed

(PHOTO: Rye Boys Varsity Squash MVP Rafay Syed.)
(PHOTO: Rye Boys Varsity Squash MVP Rafay Syed.)

MyRye.com is featuring varsity team MVPs from the Winter 2021-2 sports season. The MVPs have been selected by each coach. A big MyRye.com congratulations to all the MVPs.

Rye Boys Varsity Squash MVP is senior Rafay Syed.

“Rafay is a 4 year starting member of the Rye HS Boys Varsity Squash program,” said Rye Boys Varsity Squash Coach Quan Huynh.

He has contributed to the program’s success and his game has shown growth every year. This year, he is the captain and leader of the squash program. An exceptional player, whose rating is approximately a 5.2, leading quietly by example. His sportsmanship on the court is second to none and he always competes to the best of his ability. He is a role model for younger players in our program during practices and matches. He competes in squash tournaments during the course of the year in order to improve his game.”

Continuing, Huynh said “Furthermore, Rafay is president of the Rye senior class. He is a member of WARD, a program involved with teaching Math and English to Port Chester elementary school students in the summer. Rafay is also involved with Bread of Life, a local food pantry, collecting and stocking canned goods.

At the present time, he is undecided about where he would like to continue his post-secondary studies. Although he has already been admitted to such schools as UVA, UMich, Suny Binghamton, Umass, Amherst, etc.. He hopes to compete in squash at the next level; therefore, he has remained undecided.”


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