33 Focus Areas in Flood Resiliency Study – Presentation @ 6pm Tuesday

Architecture and engineering firm Ramboll will present its preliminary findings of potential projects to mitigate impacts associated with Blind Brook flooding this Tuesday evening at 6pm during a Rye City Council Work Session at City Hall.
Ramboll has identified 33 “Blind Brook Flood Resiliency Focus Areas” and the purpose of this initial meeting is “to assist with prioritizing the reviewed projects and to move selected measures to the next phase of the project where a more detailed (refinement) review will focus on development of a preliminary (15%) design concept, approximate construction cost estimation and a benefits-cost analysis.”
The meeting will be in person at City Hall as well as on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39 and streamed on the Internet (live and archive).
The 33 focus areas are listed below and detailed in the map above. You can review the Ramboll Flood Study and the accompanying table.
Nature-based concepts
(previously evaluated):
1. Airport Pond C
2. SUNY Berms
3. Doral Berms
7. PepsiCo Pond
8. Hutchinson East Ponds
9. U/S Pond
10. Bronfman Lake
16. Upper Bowman Pond Expansion
17. Bowman Dam Modifications
18. Sluice Gate Algorithm
19. Lower Bowman Pond Management
Nature-based concepts
(not evaluated to date):
4. Doral Pond
5. Doral Diversion Pond
6. BB Country Club Berm
11. Hutchinson West Berms
12. Hutchinson West Pond
13. Webb Ave Pond
14. Avon Circle
15. Upper Bowman Dam
Localized Flood
Mitigation concepts:
22. Highland Road Parking Lot Grading
23. I-95 and Metro North Culverts
24. Elm & Locust
25. Locust Ave. Firehouse
26. Locust Ave Bridge Modification
27. YMCA
28. City Hall Stone Wall Raising
29. Rye Free Reading Room
30. Nature-based Improvements
(Channel widening, Benching)
31. Tidal Influence Zone Identification
32. Bridges and Culverts review
33. Advanced Warning System through
use of Proposed Stream Gages