American Legion Donates $15K to Hudson Valley Montrose VA

(PHOTO: Tim Moynihan, Finance Officer and Adjutant of Rye American Legion Post 28 (center) presenting the check to Nicole Embry, Chief, Center for Development and Civic Engagement (left) and Kathleen Dupaya-Metallo, Assistant Director of the Hudson Valley VA System (right).)
(PHOTO: Tim Moynihan, Finance Officer and Adjutant of Rye American Legion Post 28 (center) presenting the check to Nicole Embry, Chief, Center for Development and Civic Engagement (left) and Kathleen Dupaya-Metallo, Assistant Director of the Hudson Valley VA System (right).)

Rye American Legion Post 28 presented a $15,000 donation to support veterans in the Hudson Valley Montrose VA facility on Thursday.

Finance Officer and Adjutant Tim Moynihan presented the check to Nicole Embry, chief, Center for Development and Civic Engagement and Kathleen Dupaya-Metallo, assistant director of the Hudson Valley VA System. The money will be used for veterans’ activities, supplemental food and clothing, recreation, and many other life-enhancing programs.

The group also recently made a $2,500 donation to Rye Recreation to support Rye youth attending summer camp. “We were able to assist 13 families with a total of 18 children,” said Rye Recreation Superintendent Sally Rogol in a note the the American Legion. “With your generous donation and others in the community, these families received 70% off their camp fees.”

”These donations to fellow veterans and the community align to the foundational pillars of the American Legion,” said Rye Post Commander Fred de Barros. “We are a very fortunate Post to be able to support our community and fellow veterans alike.”

Nearly all these funds were generated through Rye Post 128 Legionnaire Terry McCartney’s Memorial Day golf fund raiser. “I organize a golf fundraiser each year on Memorial Day at Rye Golf Club,” said McCartney. “This past Memorial Day we generated more than $15,000. We are proud the Post is using the funds for veterans and the Rye community.”


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