Local Scout Raising Cash for Reflection Garden

Would you like to rest, relax, and refresh in Adirondack chairs while enjoying a special garden at the Rye Nature Center?
Life Scout Harrison Gelinas of Rye Troop 2 is on the case. For his Eagle Scout project, Gelinas is planning to build a quiet area in the Rye Nature Center, called the Rye Reflect Garden, for visitors to “Rest, Relax, and Refresh.”

“I believe the creation of this peaceful place surrounded by nature will benefit our Rye community, help people get away from their daily stress and pressures, and give everyone a moment to recharge,” said Gelinas in an online post about his project. He has raised almost $1,500 of the $2,250 he needs to purchase project materials.
Gelinas’ ten page project plan describes a garden setting where you can have “a peaceful moment surrounded by the beautiful nature and all of its critters.” The Rye Reflect Garden will be just off one of the existing hiking trails at the Nature Center. The Scout plans to use fallen tree limbs to frame the area, remove invasive plants, spread mulch and plant native perennials.
Help Gelinas to complete his fundraising for the Rye Reflect Garden.