Milton Harbor Dredging to Begin

(PHOTO: The buoys in Milton Harbor often flop over at low tide, showing how silted and narrow the channel is for mariners.)
(PHOTO: Dredging Milton Harbor starts next week. File Photo.)

On Friday, the City of Rye announced the dredging of Milton Harbor will begin next week, as expected.

The dredge will be conducted by H&L Contracting, LLC. of Hauppauge. The mobilization will begin this coming week with the actual dredging expected to begin the week of October 31st. Work will take place during low tides.

(PHOTO: Dredging of the Milton Harbor channel will being next week.)
(PHOTO: Dredging of the Milton Harbor channel will being next week.)

The area of work in this phase of the dredge is from the American Yacht Club to the Harbor House. The dredged silt will be dumped in deep water in Connecticut. The City is requesting users of the boat basin and channel observe added caution and patience while navigating the area.

The dredging of the boat basin is a separate process and will take place in the Fall of 2023.


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