Rotary Collects Food, Diapers for Local Pantries

The Rye Rotary Club has collected over 1,000 pounds of non-perishable food items and 1,200 disposable diapers during its annual food and diaper drive conducted throughout the month of November. The non-perishables were delivered last weekend to several local non-profit organizations including Bread of Life and The Carver Center.
“The drive is so important because it helps fill pantries in our area during the holidays,” said Rita Tino, Esq., a Rye attorney and Rotary Board Member who coordinated the drive once again this year. “With the high prices of food and diapers this year the help for many families was critical.”
Food items collected included oatmeal, cereals, peanut butter, soup, pasta, rice and tuna. Ms. Tino thanked those who helped coordinate the month-long effort and collect the food and diapers–specifically, Rye Rotary Members, The Blind Brook Teachers Association and the Rye branches of Chase, Citibank and Webster Banks that served as collection sites.
The Rye Rotary will now continue to collect personal care items (shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant and diapers) for My Sister’s Place. If you would like to contribute items to this effort, you can contact Rita Tino at (914) 967-1001.