Boys Varsity Basketball Stalks the Ardsley Panthers

Rye Boys Varsity Basketball 2022-12-17 09 @ Ardsley - tournament

Rye Boys Varsity Basketball stalked the Ardsley Panthers at the second annual Keith D. Yizar Memorial Tournament on Saturday, biting off the win 70 – 55.

Game highlights included:

  • Andrew Carroll 13pts
  • John Atkins 10pts, 6a
  • Jake Kessner 19pts, 10r
  • Dalton Boisseau (all tourney) 16pts, 5r, 4a, 4s
  • Ardsley led by Wachen 19pts, Rende 10pts, Kaye 10pts

The season improved to 3-2. Watch the replay. Rye’s next game is 5:00pm Tuesday at Hasting High School (watch it).


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