Bad Weather & Taxes

The City of Rye is warning you: bad weather is on the way and be sure to pay your taxes.
Winter Storm
It might actually snow this year. A storm system is predicted to arrive after 8:00pm on Monday. While the temperature will reach a low of around 33 degrees, the wind chill is expected to be between 20 and 25 degrees. New snow accumulation of 3 to 5 inches is possible.
On Tuesday snow and sleet are predicted before 11 am, then turning to rain afterward. New snow and sleet accumulation of around an inch is possible. The City encourages you to remove cars from public streets for street cleaning and allow DPW time to clear the streets. Remember, sidewalk snow removal must be done within 24 hours following the end of each snow event.
As a reminder, 2023 City Taxes are due tomorrow, Tuesday, February 28th. In addition to paying in person, alternative payment options are:
Pay through the City of Rye App, under Remote Services
Bring your payment to City Hall (Mailbox located at the back door)