Rye Clean Energy Fair Saturday: Q&A with Bruni & Campisi on Heating, Cooling & Insulating Your Home

The Rye Clean Energy Fair is this Saturday, May 13th from 10:00am – 3:00pm at the Rye Middle School. Meet companies that can help make your home more sustainable, learn how to make your yard climate and pollinator friendly, and get close up with a variety of electric cars on the market.

Today meet Keith Bruni, the president of Bruni & Campisi. Bruni tells us what you can learn from his company on Saturday.

(PHOTO: ground source (geothermal) heat pumps can heat and cool your home.)
(PHOTO: ground source (geothermal) heat pumps can heat and cool your home.)


(PHOTO: Keith Bruni, president of Bruni & Campisi .)
(PHOTO: Keith Bruni, president of Bruni & Campisi .)

Your Name: Keith Bruni, president of Bruni & Campisi

MyRye.com: What does your company do? 


  • Plumbing Service & Install
  • Heating & Cooling Service & Install
  • Maintenance Service Plans
  • Heat Pump & Ductless A/C Service & Install
  • Water Quality Solutions
  • Indoor Air Quality Solutions
  • Generator Service & Install
  • Energy Audits
  • Insulation Services

What will your company be doing at Rye Sustainability’s Net-Zero Cities Fair on Saturday, May 13th? 

Bruni: Bruni & Campisi enjoys attending sustainability events to help teach homeowners all the different options they can make their home more a sustainable and energy conscious on a daily basis.

Our Energy Audit & Efficiency Consultants will be at the event. We will have a working Air Source Heat Pump system to demonstrate how the system operates, looks, and sounds in person.

We also have a ton of informational pieces for visitors interested in energy audits, heat pumps, insulation, and maintenance plans!

When thinking about clean energy and home energy efficiency, what are two or three things a homeowner should consider for the biggest impact?

(PHOTO: Cellulose insulation is made from a variety of recycled sources, often including newspapers, sawdust, cardboard, cotton, straw and other organic materials. It offers a variety of other advantages including excellent r-value thermal protection.)
(PHOTO: Cellulose insulation is made from a variety of recycled sources, often including newspapers, sawdust, cardboard, cotton, straw and other organic materials. It offers a variety of other advantages including excellent r-value thermal protection.)


  1. The first item to consider would be the heating and cooling system, these systems are responsible for up to 47% of your homes energy use. Installing cold climate heat pumps or geothermal systems will significantly reduce your dependency on fossil fuels. If heat pumps are not an option, then installing high efficient heating or cooling systems would work to decrease the fossil fuel usage.
  2. Next I would look at Insulation. Properly Insulating your home will significantly reduce how long your heating and cooling systems will run. This will decrease your utility usage.  It also helps to make your home healthier and more comfortable as well as reducing the energy in your home.
  3. Last but not least, installing solar panels to power your home will help to make your home carbon free. For example installing heat pumps and converting all your appliances(stoves and dryer’s) to electric would allow your home to be solar powered and carbon free.

What are some of the ways available to finance these clean energy options? And what sort of industry rebates, incentives and government tax incentives are available?

Bruni: NYSERDA offers financing and assistance for residents that have low income. We offer our own financing to help residents complete all projects. The utility companies offer rebates and incentives for installing heat pump systems.

Last but not least, you can visit the energy star website and see if any tax credits apply.  They are always changing. These tax credits can be applied when your taxes are filed. They offer credits for insulation, high efficient systems, high efficient water heaters, and heat pumps.

Thank you, Keith!

Learn more, visit https://www.bruniandcampisi.com/

Video from NYSERDA showing how ground source (geothermal) heat pumps can heat and cool your home:


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