Drinking Rye: Victor Miranda of Frankie & Johnnie’s Steakhouse

Drinking Rye is an occasional feature to meet the bartenders and other professionals running the good times in bars across Rye and its neighboring towns. When you are relaxing, these folks are working hard for you, your friends & family and your taste buds.

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Today meet Head Bartender Victor Miranda of Frankie and Johnnie’s Steakhouse on Purchase Street.

(PHOTO: Victor Miranda, head bartender at Frankie and Johnnie's Steakhouse.)
(PHOTO: Victor Miranda, head bartender at Frankie and Johnnie’s Steakhouse.)

Your Name: Victor Miranda

Your Role: Head Bartender

Your bar (or restaurant): Frankie and Johnnie’s Steakhouse

MyRye.com: How long have you been a bartender at Frankie and Johnnies’s Steakhouse? Previously, where did you work? 

Miranda: I have been a bartender at Frankie and Johnnie’s for three years and previously worked at Via Garibaldi and Gaucho Gill.

What and when was your first paid job? 

Miranda: A busboy, 10 years ago.

Describe your path to bartending:

Miranda: I studied tourism administration in college, and one of my classes was cocktails. I started as a busboy, later I was promoted as a barback. The owner of the restaurant offered me the opportunity to become a bartender and I took it. She also offered to pay for the professional mixology course and my license.

What are three attributes that make someone a good bartender?

  1. Professionalism
  2. Charisma
  3. Maintains cleanliness

Describe your bar’s clientele: 

Miranda: Our customers are loyal and regular. They have become more than just customers. They are customers who like good quality and good service.

Describe the atmosphere of your bar: 

Miranda: Our bar has a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere for clients and for those of us who work there. It is a comfortable space for everyone whether it is a group of people, a couple or just one person.

Describe the physical attributes of your bar:

Miranda: It is a very practical, efficient, and easy bar to work at and have everything in perfect order for the time of service.

What’s your favorite drink and why? 

Miranda: I can say that my favorite drink to make is the Cosmopolitan, since it was the first drink I learned to make and it’s a classic and popular drink that everyone likes, especially women. It’s refreshing, delicate and perfect for many occasions.

Match a recommended drink with each occasion: 

Occasion Recommended Drink
Warm summer evening Mojito/Margarita
Crisp fall afternoon Apple cider bourbon
Cold winter day Hot Toddy
Muddy wet spring night Red Sangria / Aperol Spritz
First date Cosmopolitan / Old Fashion
Date night Manhattan / Negroni
Anniversary Champagne
Breakup Tequila shots
Favorite sports team wins Beer
Hated sports team loses Beer
Good bonus Tom Collins
Bad bonus Dirty Martini
Promotion Champagne
Birthday Champagne / Tequila shots
Everyday Glass of wine


What is your favorite bar food and why? 

Miranda: Filet and toast, they’re delicious, made with a nice piece of filet mignon, and they’re easy to eat because you don’t need silverware.

What’s the most underrated day of week and time of day to enjoy your bar?

Miranda: Monday is the day that you will surely need a drink to start your week with all the good attitude and energy.

Thanks, Victor!


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