Yearbook Project: Clemmie Everett, RHS Class of 1999

(PHOTO: Clemmie Everett of the Rye High School Class of 1999.)
(PHOTO: Clemmie Everett of the Rye High School Class of 1999.) is starting a new series called the Yearbook Project. We are highlighting members of the Rye High School Class of 1999 (celebrating their 25th reunion in 2024) and the Rye High School Class of 1974 (celebrating their 50th reunion in 2024).

If you graduated from RHS ’99 or ’74, or if you know someone who did, please get in touch with us.

Today, meet Clemmie Everett of the Rye High School Class of 1999.

Your name: Clemmie Everett

Rye High School Year of: 1999 Who were your favorite teachers at Rye High School?


  • Mr. Yedowitz – I ran Winter Track with Mr. Yed from 8th grade through 12th grade. It was a great outlet for me after school to get out and run and I learned a great deal about self-discipline, motivation, and performing under pressure from that experience. 
  • Ms. Patterson (I think now Ms. Warner) – Her AP Government class helped me to think about the world around me and pay attention to current events. Her sense of humor and ability to connect with me as a student was incredibly meaningful. What were your favorite sports or extracurricular activities at Rye High School?

  • Varsity Soccer with Coach Savage – I played with a group of teammates who I had played Rye Youth Soccer/travel team with since I was in elementary school. We had a great deal of fun and also had some very successful seasons. I played one game of intramural soccer in college, and it just wasn’t the same without those teammates on the field.
  • Winter Track – I joined the winter track team in middle school after not making the basketball team, so I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into, but it was a fantastic outlet for me and a way to get outside after school. The winter season is long and can be cold and dark, so it was both a mental and a physical challenge. 
  • Varsity Field Hockey – We would go off and practice and play at Disbrow Park, so people didn’t really see us very often, but we pushed ourselves really hard and had some very strong teams. I have been coaching a high school field hockey team for the past 18 years and I think about my experiences on the outfield grass field at Disbrow often. The sport has changed a great deal since then. Tell us about the street in Rye you grew-up on.

Everett: I grew up close to town and we used to walk everywhere – to school, to Rye Rec, into town, etc. Jen Culyer and Latoya Anderson lived down the street and we still joke about it when we see each other (they both also still live in the area). Where would you and your friends hang out in Rye?

Everett: No one particular place – would depend on the day and what was going on. Where do you live now?

Everett: I went off to college thinking that I wouldn’t ever go back to Rye, but I moved back in 2009 and have been here since then. What have you done since the day you graduated high school?

Everett: I’m a high school teacher. After college, I taught at a school in Eastern Connecticut for five years and then have been teaching history and economics at Rye Country Day School since 2009. I live in Rye with my husband and two kids. What in your view are the two or three greatest Rye traditions you remember from your high school years?

Everett: Honestly, I don’t think there were any specific traditions that truly stand out. When I think back to my experiences growing up in Rye, what stands out is less connected to specific events or celebrations and more connected to the little things every day – routines I had like walking to school, seeing my friends in the hallway, getting rides to practice or other places with a group of peers. The connections I had with people and the friendships I made then are really what stands out. I haven’t been very good about staying in touch with people, but when I do reconnect, it doesn’t matter because our connections are strong enough that we can pick things right back up!

Thank you, Clemmie!


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