Luke Walsh Awarded at City Council

If you play or watch Rye High School sports, you know Luke Walsh. On Wednesday night at City Council – in front of a packed house – Walsh received the Mayor John Carey Merit Award.
“He has justifiably been called the number one Garnets fan, and is the longtime volunteer manager of the Rye High School football team,” said Mayor Josh Cohn in presenting the award, given to an individual each year who has made meaningful contributions to public life in Rye.
“He’s the chief energy officer of the lacrosse team. Luke lives civic mindedness. He exemplifies volunteerism and participation.
Walsh stepped up to receive the award to thunderous applause.
“Thank you very much for coming,” said Walsh receiving the award. “Thank you to the City Council, the Mayor, the community and my friends and families.”

A well-deserved award! I challenge anyone whose kid played a RHS sport to watch this without wiping away a tear.