Greg’s Grist, Nonsectarian Celebration: Rye City Council Agenda for Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The city council’s agenda for its meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 is out. The meeting will also be aired on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We’ll also see you on the Internet (live and archive).
The Council will convene at 5:30pm and it is expected they will adjourn into Executive Session to discuss ongoing litigation, Fire Department MOA, and personnel matters..
Formal office hours of the Mayor and other officials have been suspended.
Let’s check the batting order and highlights from the 17 agenda items.
- Open Mic. Members of the public may be heard on matters for Council consideration that do not appear on the agenda.
- Greg’s Grist. Report of the City Manager.
- Game Over. Recognition of retiring Recreation Commissioner Bart DiNardo.
- Green for Turf. Acknowledgement of $100,000 donation from Let the Kids Play to fund the design documents and any other documents needed to solicit bids for synthetic turf at Nursery Field.
- Nonsectarian Celebration?. Chamber of Commerce report of holiday decoration response and request for approval of design change, if any.
- CoynEx. Capex Update.
- Clean Flush. Resolution authorizing payment for retainer to Joel R. Dichter, Esq. of Dichter Law LLC for an amount of $9,000 for professional fees and services regarding Veolia water rate increases.
- 10-4 Good Buddy. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the County of Westchester to furnish and install radio communications equipment at the City of Rye Police Headquarters located at 21 McCullough Place, Rye, NY 10580.
- Breathe. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a municipal cooperation agreement with Rye City School District for the installation of defibrillators.
- Airy. Resolution authorizing the purchase of a new Fire Department compressor for $88,320 with monies from the General Vehicle and Equipment Account.
- Kenny’s Cause. Resolution recognizing Port Chester-Rye-Rye Brook EMS and advocating for EMS Legislation.
- Fore! Approval of appointment to the Rye Golf Club Commission.
The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 6:30pm.