BREAKING: Rye Guy Latimer Wins in NY-16 Primary

Bowman - Latimer headshot combo - 1

Rye guy and Westchester County Executive George Latimer is on a path to represent the City of Rye in the US Congress. Results from the New York State Board of Election showed Latimer with a decisive edge over incumbent Democratic Congressman Jamaal Bowman in the NY-16 Congressional Democratic primary as of 11:00pm last night. During the middle of the night, the Associated Press, as well as New York Times and Fox News New York, have called the race in favor of Latimer.

While it is just the primary, the seat is overwhelmingly Democratic and there is not expected to be a substantial GOP challenge in the general election this November.

“This is in fact the “many.” This is the “many” of Westchester and the Bronx. Tonight we turn the page, and say we believe in the inclusion of everyone,” Latimer said in a press reslease late Tuesday night. “Starting tomorrow morning, I will prepare to be the best congressman I can be, because that is what you voted for.”

“”It was never just about this race, in this moment. This movement has always been about justice. It has always been about humanity. It has always been about equality. And it always has been about our collective liberation,” Bowman said in his press release. His media team placed a strong emphasis on the unprecedented spending Latimer’s campaign team reached in their ultimately successful attempt to unseat him.

This race garnered national attention and money as a proxy between factions within the Democratic party. Bowman is part of the progressive wing of the Democratic party called The Squad that includes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of NY-14, while Latimer is favored by moderates.

The results as of 7:00am on June 26th are as follows:

With 95.6% votes being reported:

Candidate Votes Percentage
Bowman 31,555 41.32%
Latimer 44,371 58.11%
Total 76,360* 99.43%*


*blank, void, and write-in votes account for the slight discrepancy within the numbers


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