Limited Parking in Car Park 1 Wednesday as Project Nears Completion

(PHOTO: The work to rebuild Parking Lot 1 just off Purchase Street in expected to be completed around Labor Day. It includes bioretention to filter stormwater before it enters the Blind Brook.)
(PHOTO: The work in August 2024 to rebuild Parking Lot 1 just off Purchase Street. It includes bioretention to filter stormwater before it enters the Blind Brook.)

The City of Rye will temporarily close a section of parking spaces in Car Park 1 just off Purchase Street (between Locust and Elm) on the morning of Wednesday, September 11, for line striping preparation. The affected spaces will reopen immediately once this planning is complete.

The entire lot will close again at 6:30 pm on Wednesday and remain closed for the evening to complete the striping of the entire parking lot. Vehicles must be moved from Car Park 1 by 6:30 pm to avoid towing and allow the work to proceed.


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