100+ Years of Property Records Curated by Realtor Go To Rye Historical Society

The Rye Historical Society (RHS) has received a comprehensive archive of historic property records from Rye dating back over a century. The collection was donated by Coldwell Banker Realty, and has been transferred to a storage facility in Port Chester where it is now under the care of the RHS. There are over 5,000 files dating back to 1913.
This collection, originally curated over decades by longtime Rye realtor Nancy Neuman, was acquired by Coldwell Banker when they purchased her agency, Country Properties. Neuman, a Rye realtor since 1972, founded Country Properties in 1975. After selling the agency to Coldwell Banker, she continued to run it until 2019. Kerry Verille arranged the donation after discussions had been initiated by Mary Jane Stanton – both are at Coldwell Banker.
“This generous donation allows us to offer more detailed historical information to homeowners and researchers alike,” said Anne Gold, executive director of the Rye Historical Society. “With this resource, we’re excited to further expand our Historic Marker Program, enabling homeowners to celebrate Rye’s rich history by marking their properties. For homes built before 1942—the year Rye officially became a city—homeowners can purchase a bronze marker to commemorate their property’s unique history.”
The RHS’ Rye History Marker Program celebrates the visible local history in Rye homes and buildings. Introduced in 2016, the program focuses on homes built prior to 1942 that retain much of their original architectural style, honoring the unique character of Rye’s historic residences.
Would really like to know how the archive mentioned compares with the County’s records, available to all via https://www.westchesterclerk.com/land-records/search-land-records. I used the County’s data to do a complete back-to-the-start guide for each of the Ridgewood Drive property owners and their property.