Giving Rye: Meet the Rye PBA
Giving Rye is a feature series highlighting non-profits and community groups in and around the City of Rye. Today meet Gabe Caputo of the Rye PBA.
Your Name: Gabe Caputo
Organization: Rye Police Association (Rye PBA)
Your role: President Tell us your organization’s mission.
Caputo: The PBA is committed to preserving the health, safety and welfare of all of its members and to continue to encourage and strengthen relationships between its members and the residents of the City of Rye.
How long have you operated in Rye?
Caputo: Since 1939
What programming or work in Rye is the organization best known for?
Caputo: Most people know our work as Public Safety. People don’t really separate the PBA from the PD. Our philanthropy is focused primarily on the youth. We have scholarships through the Rye Recreation for summer camp. The Walter Worthington and Steve & Kathy Mulvey Scholarship through Rye High School. We also try to support our youth sports programs as much as we can.
Looking forward to 2025, what will be your top initiatives?
Caputo: We want to continue to build positive community relationships and continue our outreach with our youth and seniors.
Tell us about the population you serve and how they can get involved with your programming and services.
Caputo: We serve any organization, group, or individual in our local area. We have sponsored sports teams in the Rye little league and softball league, community events such as the Rainbow Run and the Senior Center luncheon, scholarships for the Rye Recreation Summer Camp and Rye High School, and organizations such as the Rye Football Booster Club and Rye YMCA.
Are you a 501(c)(3) non-profit with tax exempt status?
Caputo: Yes
Looking back across 2024, what were your organization’s top achievements?
- Our continued scholarships
- Supporting the Rye Youth Council
- Supporting the Rye seniors
How can local residents support your organization?
Caputo: Since we are a 501(c)(3) charity, financial support is always welcome.
What local Rye residents and area businesses have been the longest, steadiest supporters of your organization?
Caputo: We have many residents who have supported us through the years with their yearly donations and attending The Rye PBA Golf Classic. Our residents are our number one supporters!
Tell us about you:
How long have you been in your current role?
Caputo: I was elected PBA president in November 2017 and was just elected for my fourth term last November. I feel the PBA President needs to have a positive relationship with membership, residents and City management.
Is the role full time or part time? Paid or volunteer?
Caputo: It is a full time, part time job. I have many roles as PBA president and at times it consumes my whole day. My “day” job is Detective assigned to the youth bureau for the City of Rye Police. Being an active member of the Rye Police is a requirement to hold a position in the PBA.
How would your friends and family describe you in one word?
Caputo: Gregarious
Where did you grow up?
Caputo: Upstate New York
What is your favorite unimportant thing about you?
Caputo: I love to spend time on the beach and watching my kids play varsity sports.
If the next five years is a chapter in your life, what is this chapter about?
Caputo: In my professional life, I would like to further my police career and continue to build relationships with our community. In my personal life, I would like to continue spending time with my wife and kids.
What would you do if you were not afraid?
Caputo: Skydiving
Where do you live in Rye and how many years have you lived in the City?
Caputo: I live in “upstate” New York and grew up even farther upstate. I have always lived in the country and hope I always do.
Thanks Gabe!
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