Police Blotter: Did Not Take Extra Care; Take 50 Pounds of Medicine, And Call Me in the Morning & More
The police blotter is a highlight of recent activity from the City of Rye Police Department.
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Could Have Used Google Street View. March 31. Harding Drive. Suspicious Vehicle. CALLER STATES A DARK COLORED HONDA PILOT DROVE UP TO HER HOUSE, TOOK SOME PICTURES AND THEN SPED OFF. NFD. back up. canvassed area, neg results. goa.
Did Not Take Extra Care. March 31. CVS, 1121 Boston Post Road. Mv Accident – Hit And Run. CALLER REPORTS HER VEHICLE WAS HIT BY ANOTHER VEHICLE IN THE PARKING LOT OF CVS.
Was Focused on the Rising Gas Prices. March 31. Shell Gas Station, 1141 Boston Post Road. Mv Accident – Hit And Run. JASON FROM THE SHELL STATION ON BOSTON POST RD CALLED TO REPORT THAT A VEHICLE STRUCK ONE OF THEIR PARKED CARS AROUND 6 THIS MORNING.
Bambi Down. March 31. Avon Building, 601 and 621 Midland Avenue. Animal Complaints-Other Animal. CALLER STATES THERE IS AN INJURED DEER NEAR THE LOWER LEVEL PARKING LOT (2ND TIER) OF THE AVON BUILDING. goa.
Rooms 106 & 208. April 1. Marriott Courtyard, 631 Midland Avenue. Noise Complaint. GUEST AT MARRIOTT (RM 206) STATES LOUD AND DRUNK GROUP IN ROOM BENEATH HIS WONT QUIET DOWN. backed 12. Parties in room 106 and 208 were advised to keep the peace.
Not So Ford Tough. April 1. Purdy Avenue / McCullough Place. Disabled Vehicles. Report of disabled Ford F-150 IFO CVS entrance on Purdy Avenue. RJB towed vehicle. 98.
You Sold Them the Eggs, And Then Called the Cops? April 1. Playland Market, Forest Avenue / Playland Parkway. Neighborhood Trouble. Playland Market employee called to report that a group of 15 to 20 high school aged youths just purchased a large quantity of eggs. Caller stated that they were walking down Forest Ave towards Rye Beach Ave. Additional caller just called to say that the group was on Orchard Ln by Brown Ave threatening to throw eggs at vehicles. He stated that some were on foot and some were in a white 4-door Honda Civic. That caller’s name is _____. Group of youths dispersed. 98.
Did You Think They Were Going Home to Make Breakfast? April 1. Boston Post Road / Parson Street. Caller reported that occupants of a 4 door white Honda Civic just threw eggs at his vehicle. backed.
Stiff Wind. April 5. Town of Rye Dock, 499 Stuyvesant Avenue. Stanley Security operator reports East Bar/Dining room motion activation at American Yacht Club. Operator Vance with Stanley Security reports additional activations. Units on scene with 10-60 checking premise. backed 15. chronic door issue.
Take 50 Pounds of Medicine, And Call Me in the Morning. April 5. Rye PD HQ, 21 McCullough Place. RX Disposal. 50 POUNDS OF RX WAS TAKEN TO THE WESTCHESTER COUNTY TRANSFER STATION.
Burning the Neighbor, Fueling Animosity. April 5. Reymont Avenue. Noise Complaint. caller states his neighbor has been running a generator for the last 5 hours. wishes the noise to cease. car 11 sent. 04/05/2022 21:22:36 Owner stopped the generator. He states he left it on to burn the fuel to make it