12 Angry Jurors Play at Rye High Friday & Saturday

12 angry jurors RYE

12 Angry Jurors is being produced by the Parson Street Players this Friday at 7pm and Saturday at 2pm and 7pm. Come see this talented cast:

Sydney Gager – Juror 1 (Foreman)
Grant Hounsell – Juror 2
Rachel Belanger – Juror 3
Zekie Meulbroek – Juror 4
Sophie Magalhaes – Juror 5
Keith Miller – Juror 6
Julia Anechiarico – Juror 7
Kiera Moran – Juror 8
Nina Kato – Juror 9
Tess Greenhaw – Juror 10
Anastasia Liodori – Juror 11
Juliet Smith – Juror 12
Mark O'Brien – Guard

and the production team:

Stage Manager: Zach Slocumb
Asst. Director: Hahnbie Kim
Asst. Stage Managers: Natalia Roman & Julie Saito
Costumes: Naomi Saito
Sound/Lights: Lilibet Kirwan, Sarah Demarest, Hannah Lutz, Joyce Kang


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