Girls Varsity Lacrosse Hunts Fox Lane 18-10

Girls Varsity Lacrosse 05-12-2021 vs. Fox Lane - 1

Girls Varsity Lacrosse hunted Fox Lane on Wednesday, bagging its opponent 18-10 at home.

“We came out hot and did not look back,” said Girls Varsity Lacrosse Coach Michelle Mason. “Our offense got into a rhythm and our defense executed our game plan well. We made great adjustments after Monday’s loss. Porter was a dominant force on the draw that allowed us do grab momentum and keep it going all game.”

Audrey Porter had an outstanding, well rounded game. She was the dominant center taking the draw. Her stat line says it all: Draws – 10; GBs – 3; Goals -2; Assists – 1. Ellie Hedges also had a well rounded offensive game for use with Goals – 4; Assists – 3; Draws – 6; GBs – 3.

The season moves to 5-2. Watch the replay.


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