Rye Capital Improvements Project Name: City Hall – Carpet & Floor Replacement

The news cycle is pretty slow here is Rye in August…

So we thought we'd profile some of the 55 projects on Rye City's capital improvement plan. These are projects (not a budget) of costs greater than $15,000 that are on a recommended plan for the 2015 – 2019+ time horizon.

Read the entire plan (starting on page 4) or tell us what you thing of the various projects are we profile them:

Project Name: City Hall – Carpet & Floor Replacement

Project Type: Building
Department: Public Works
Project Priority: Moderate
Project Start Date: 2017
Project End Date: 2017

Project Description:
Replace existing cork flooring in Council Chambers originally installed in 1964 and replace carpeting.

Estimated Project Costs:
Sources of Funding:
2017: $65,000
Total: $65,000

Project Need/Issues:
The cork flooring in the City Hall Council Chambers is original to the building and has stains and burn marks. This project encompasses floor replacement, as well as carpet replacement in selected offices. This project has been deferred since 2009 and is proposed to occur following the replacement of City Hall’s hanging ceiling tiles, a project proposed for 2016.

Operating Cost Considerations:
No significant operational costs are anticipated.


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