Honoring 9/11 Flight Attendants, “Paulie’s Push” Walks Through Rye

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(PHOTO: Paul “Paulie” Veneto turning from the Boston Post Road onto Cedar Street during a News 12 live broadcast.)

He is a retired United Airlines flight attendant who is pushing a beverage cart from Logan Airport Boston to Ground Zero New York for the 20th anniversary of 9-11 to honor the flight crews that perished that morning.

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(PHOTO: Paul “Paulie” Veneto.)

Paul “Paulie” Veneto walked down the Boston Post Road and Cedar Street in Rye on his way to the City on Monday. Why is he walking? On his website Veneto says “I am doing this because I want these crew members’ families to know how courageous they were that day. I want the public to understand that under those conditions that morning, what those crew members did, nobody could have trained for. They really need to be recognized as Heroes. They were the very first First Responders. That day sent me into a tailspin of opiate addiction that almost cost me my life. After almost 15 years of numbing myself out from the thoughts of that day, I have finally been freed from addiction since 2015. I can now finally give tribute to my fallen crew members.”

Watch the video that News 12 broadcast from Veneto’s walk through Rye.


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