Rye Middle School PO Speaks Out on Hazing

On Friday morning the Rye Middle School PO Executive Board issued a statement in reaction to the recent hazing events and speaking about "a year long, character-building program" for the coming school year:

"Dear RMS Parents,

As the RMS PO Executive Board we would like to take a moment to state our position on recent events and share our plans to work with Dr. Edwards and her faculty and staff on a year long, character-building program Dr. Edwards calls "Dignity for All" that will begin next fall.

We want to acknowledge the courage of the students and their families in the middle school who stood up against hazing and said "enough."   We want them to know we support their being a catalyst for change in our community.   We also remain steadfast in our hopes that all of our teenagers, both our middle school and high school students, will come through these tough times with greater compassion, courage and confidence in themselves and in their communities.

Focusing attention on the specifics of recent events has likely made us feel and appear more divided than we truly are.  However, we believe there are very few, if any, among us who would not agree that our children deserve to live in a community where they feel safe and secure.  Every parent, coach, clergy, youth leader, teacher and school administrator in our community understands this and will need to do their part by offering firm guidance and a loving heart.

We, the RMS PO, take seriously the work ahead of us. It is our intention to be the parent leaders in building a healthier middle school community, one in which our children will feel safe and secure and in which values such as respect and responsibility are reinforced and rewarded. Over the next academic year, look for new student programs like peer mediation and increased parent support groups.  The Bully Project will be introduced through Facing History and Ourselves  (www.facing.org/) and Heard In Rye will identify national experts to speak with us about hazing.

Hopefully, you will join us in our efforts to ensure a healthier environment for all of our young people.


The RMS PO Executive Board

Susan Ciardiello
Kim O'Connor
Lora Katsikas
Aimee Ryan
Sue Wexler
Marci Lyons
Carol Meyers
Jamie Jensen (Co-President Elect)
Lucy Cassidy (Vice President Elect)"



  1. Up until now all the support, reactive reactions, anguish, proactive ideas, etc have all come in support for the victims (our 8th graders), and rightfully so!!!

    What I want to know is when will we hear from the side for the SUSPECTS???

    Where is their leadership on all of this?

    Our 8th graders didn’t cause or do this….yes, Juniors were once 8th graders, where is the leadership of the Juniors & RHS?

  2. Do you know Jim, this was never addressed to the students. Neither the middle school nor the high school had an assembly before or after to discuss these matters. I just don’t understand this.

  3. Amy,

    God for bid this be addressed against the wishes of all the high powered attorneys….yes by all means lets protect the ole mighty “liability” first and foremost before we ACTUALLY address the students/children!!!

    The students are right about something Amy when they say “this will never change”…..maybe now that Dr. Shine has left we can go a different direction under Alvarez….LETS PRAY!!!

    The BOE is headed in the right direction on this subject right now…but like anything else a rule or a law isn’t worth the paper it’s written on unless it is ENFORCED!!!

    Lets see how big everyones “B***S” grow over the summer!!!

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