Letter: de Frondeville: Say “No” to “Science Taj Mahal” AKA School Bond Tuesday

In a letter to MyRye.com, resident Bertrand de Frondeville says "No" to the School Bond this Tuesday, December 13, 2011. What do you think? Leave a comment below:

Rye School Bond: NO pain, ALL gain if Rye’s 87% silent majority rise and says NO to protect education quality and taxpayers with a sounder bond next year.

Where are the 87% who did not vote last May? And why the costly “ugliness” of a new Science Taj Mahal plus 12-16 added class rooms that may well be excessive? Hear:

  1. The District’s Facilities Committee recommended last year a much less intrusive way to modernize science rooms that will lower cost, visibility and soil risks, with a cluster of new science labs on top of enlarged locker and fitness rooms. Or could a 2-level glass building be built on the High School’s empty inner courtyard?
  2. Both alternatives add 6-8 new class rooms for only $500,000, should these prove needed, which is another big question: most recent enrollment projections are flat through 2013/14, giving us an extra year to refine the above alternatives, and to obtain new projections next October, calibrated with the Sept. 2012 enrollment.
  3. Bob Zahm and Kendall Egan (ex-Facilities Com. Chair) agree the bond is premature. A year delay would have NO material consequences for students, yet will help develop a more sustainable approach to modern science rooms plus 6-8 new regular class rooms in several synergistic ways such as:
    1. Calibrate new Oct. 2012 projections (Bishop, BOCES) with Sept. 2012 enrollment;
    2. Optimize new science labs plus 6-8 new class rooms, and maximize state aid;
    3. Conduct a more thorough and lengthy competitive bidding process to optimize costs;
    4. Optimize budget savings on operating costs, and the use of $15+million in “Fund Reserves” plus another $4+ million in hidden excess margins (October 2011 Audit), with the Finance & Budget Committee at last re-opened to willing and able citizens.

I hope that all eligible Rye voters will vote December 13 and will consider Voting “NO”on this Rushed Bond Issue, in favor of a sounder one next Fall: NO Pain, ALL Gain.


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