Pride Flags Up Around Rye

(PHOTO: The Pride flag flying at Rye Recreation on Friday afternoon, May 31, 2024. Credit: Alex Lee.)
(PHOTO: The Pride flag flying at Rye Recreation on Friday afternoon, May 31, 2024. Credit: Alex Lee.)

Pride is up all around Rye.

On Friday afternoon May 31st, ahead of the start of Pride month on June 1st, Pride flags were raised across the City at Rye High School, Rye Recreation and City Hall. It marks the 4th anniversary of the City passing a resolution back in May 2021 to fly the Pride flag “during June this year and every year”.

At Rye High School, GSA members, RHS students, teachers and school and district administrators turned out for their flag raising.

“To me, pride is being unapologetically yourself,” said Rebekah Golub, a sophomore at Rye High School who has served as vice president of the GSA. “This is my second year as a member of the GSA, and I will be next year’s club president. GSA is a place where everyone can come together and be a family. No one is singled out for their identity, and everyone is accepted unconditionally. I am so thankful for the district’s support of their LGBTQ+ students, and it fills me with joy to see the Pride Flag raised every June.”

At City Hall, it was a small crowd of Mayor Josh Cohn and some council members, City Manager Greg Usry and some city staff, local media and some RHS GSA members who were in attendance for the flag raising. The Mayor and council members read the resolution that had passed in 2021 and the flag was then raised above City Hall. At some point earlier in the day, Rye DPW staff raised a pride flag at Rye Recreation on Midland Avenue.

A more extensive celebration of Pride month is planned for Saturday afternoon starting at 4:30pm at Rye Town Park organized by the local pRYEde group.

(PHOTO: The Pride flag goes up at Rye High School during the 4th annual Pride flag raising on Friday, May 31, 2024.)
(PHOTO: The Pride flag goes up at Rye High School during the 4th annual Pride flag raising on Friday, May 31, 2024.)
(PHOTO: GSA members, RHS students, teachers and school and district administrators at the 4th annual Pride flag raising on Friday, May 31, 2024.)
(PHOTO: GSA members, RHS students, teachers and school and district administrators at the 4th annual Pride flag raising on Friday, May 31, 2024.)
(PHOTO: Rye High School GSA members at the 4th annual Pride flag raising on Friday, May 31, 2024 (left to right): Emily Schmidt, Izzy Godden (holding Gizmo), Shannon Haines, Delia Degnan and Rebekah Golub.)
(PHOTO: Rye High School GSA members at the 4th annual Pride flag raising on Friday, May 31, 2024 (left to right): Emily Schmidt, Izzy Godden (holding Gizmo), Shannon Haines, Delia Degnan and Rebekah Golub.)
(PHOTO: John Sullivan, the new assistant to the City Manager, puts out the Pride flag at City Hall on Friday afternoon, May 31, 2024. Credit: Alex Lee.)
(PHOTO: John Sullivan, the new assistant to the City Manager, puts out the Pride flag at City Hall on Friday afternoon, May 31, 2024. Credit: Alex Lee.)
(PHOTO: Rye Mayor Josh Cohn (center) and some council members assembled on Friday afternoon, May 31, 2024 as the Pride flag was raised above Rye City Hall.)
(PHOTO: Rye Mayor Josh Cohn (center) and some council members assembled on Friday afternoon, May 31, 2024 as the Pride flag was raised above Rye City Hall.)

Video of the City Hall Pride flag raising:


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