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HomeEventsWho Dat? Dat's a Superbowl Robber: Four Homes Hit During Big Game

Who Dat? Dat’s a Superbowl Robber: Four Homes Hit During Big Game

Who Dat?

Not the New Orleans Saints. Dat's a bad guy robbing your house.

Who_Dat Burglars came marching in — into four homes on Walker Drive in the Glen Oaks area of Rye yesterday while residents were off at Superbowl parties watching the Saints victory.

One resident whose home was hit by the Superbowl thieves told MyRye.com: "Cops and detectives were great and responded quickly with blood hounds. They were on Walker going door to door when we arrived home from Super Bowl party. The perps pried open our ground floor side window, found our safe which was buried in a closet, and pried it open," said the resident.

"It was a fire safe so nothing but paperwork in there. I heard they got jewelry from another neighbor. Seems they look for the safe then go to the master bedroom. Nothing was taken from our master but my sock draw was run through. $75 for window fix up… and broken safe is all we are out. Very lucky."

The Rye PD and Rye City did not respond to a request for comment or further detail. LoHud also carried an item on the crime.


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