State of Rye, Pratt’s Shoes, Official Web Site?—Agenda for City Council Monday – January 6, 2010

Let's check the batting order and highlights from the twenty two agenda items from incoming Mayor Doug French's first city council meeting this Wednesday, January 6, 2010.

We'll see you at 8pm for the council meeting start at City Hall or on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39 or the Internet (next day) at

This will be the first city council meeting for new Mayor Douglas French and his ticket – new council people Peter Jovanovich, Richard Filippi and Suzanna Keith.

Mayor French will start off his tenure with a State of the City address.


  • The Last Few Minutes. Draft unapproved minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held on December 16, 2009.
  • State of the Union Rye City. Doug French delivers the goods.
  • Courting. Appointment of City Court Judge (full-time), by the Mayor with Council approval, for a
    ten-year term expiring January 1, 2020.
  • Pratt's Shoes. Appointment of the 2010 Deputy Mayor by the Mayor.
  • Day Six. Mayor's Management Report.
  • Open Mic. Residents may be heard who have matters to discuss that do not appear on the agenda.
  • Money. Discussion on the role of the Finance Committee and Update on the 2010 Capital Improvement Budget.
  • Patronage. Appointment of a Council Member as Trustee of the Police Pension Fund, by the Mayor
    with Council approval, for a one-year term.
  • Patronage. One appointment to the Rye Town Park Commission for a two-year term, by the Mayor
    with Council approval.
  • Patronage. One appointment to the Planning Commission for a three-year term, by the Mayor
    with Council approval.
  • More Patronage. Designation of the City Council's Audit Committee by the Mayor.
  • Liaison? Designation of the following City Council Liaisons by the Mayor:
    Board of Appeals
    Conservation Commission/Advisory Council
    Finance Committee
    Rye City School Board
    Rye Merchants Association
  • Late for Dinner and Babysitting Schedule. Designation of the days and time of regular meetings of the City Council.
  • What about the official WEB SITE? You guys are so 20th century… Designation of official City newspaper.

The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, January 20, 2010.


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