Rye Magazine – Second Issue Out

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Rye Magazine – a slick glossy mag about our fair city – has made it to issue number two. The inaugural issue was published back in February.

Rye Mag Rye Gone Wild DSC09332 The issue recently arrived by in Rye mailboxes. The issue includes the "Town Hall" column by MyRye.com publisher Jay Sears about "Rye Gone Wild". See page 241.

Four hundred and twenty five of Rye's 3,702 acres are wild, and Sears covers off these different parcels – what they are, some history and some tips. Learn more about the Marshlands Conservancy, the Rye Nature Center, the Edith Read Sanctuary, Rye Town Park and a group called the Rye Habitat Project that wants to turn your backyard wild.


One Comment

  1. This was indeed a table thumping thick 2nd edition of a micro regional lifestyle magazine. I’m wondering how all those sponsor pages were generated in such a death march advertising climate? I know the guy has publishing crops but this thing is absolutely stuffed with national, regional and local sponsors. Are the rates super low or does he do it with fairy dust? Production quality is certainly high and the editorial is solid. Now if we can just get them to lay out a pre election expose of all the shenanigans the Otis Administration has engaged in across the board we’d be getting a true local public service. And I’d recommend crack local news hound Jay Sears to pen it.

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