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Back by popular demand, the Positive Parenting Course taught by Rye Mom Ann Magalhaes. Ann has been teaching the skills and habits of positive parents for over 14 years. Lots more info at www.theparent.team or email Ann at [email protected] with any questions. And, of course, if you’d like to book your place, you can do...
Make a Bunny & Eggs with Polymer ClayCreate an adorable bunny and eggs! This is a special project from Terry Taylor’s new book Clay Play Whimsical Garden now available on Amazon. Using polymer clay you will learn how to make simple shapes with clay and put them together to form a cute sculpture. All projects...
Click here for all details.
Have you started a story or essay and gotten stuck? Is there a novel you've worked on in fits and starts that could use greater focus? In this group, we’ll explore narrative building blocks—voice, tone, character development, setting, and plot—as well as the nitty gritty of sentence construction as we consider helpful strategies for revision...
Parents and teens of Rye High School, join us together or alone at our monthly RHS Meditation Circle, led by RHS Assistant Principal, Dr. William Meyer. Wainwright House library, 7-8 pm, Wed. March 8, April 12 & May 17. Sponsored by the RMS/RHS PO. Free. No sign up.
Environmental Documentary and Conversation about the impact of "fast fashion" and how we can make better choices about the clothing we purchase. Watch the film to see the source of your clothing materials and where they go when you are done wearing them. During the zero waste reception, participate in a free clothing swap and...
Join the RYC in welcoming back Laura Becton for a 9th Grade Study Skill Workshop. Students will look at 5 types of study habits and be guided in choosing one that best suits them! Then students will learn strategies they can use to study, analyze, and retrieve information during tests that suits their learning style....
Have you started a story or essay and gotten stuck? Is there a novel you've worked on in fits and starts that could use greater focus? In this group, we’ll explore narrative building blocks—voice, tone, character development, setting, and plot—as well as the nitty gritty of sentence construction as we consider helpful strategies for revision...
Join the RYC for The Launching Project: How to Confidently Send Your Child to College Without Going With Them. For parents of 11th and 12th graders. Speaker Kim O’Connor Rye mom, clinical social worker and psychotherapist here in Rye.
Paint the Masters: ImpressionismCreate your very own masterpiece: BYOB Night Out!Wednesday, April 19, 6:30 - 9:00 pmAdults 21 & overCreate your very own masterpiece inspired by Impressionism. In this workshop, you will learn about how Impressionists used colors and brushstrokes to express feelings and emotions. Choose to replicate one of the famous Impressionist’s paintings or...
April 22, 2023 Board of Education Meeting Joint Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rye and the Rye City School District Board of Education Members of the Rye City School District Board of Education and the Rye City Council will meet on Saturday, April 22, 2023 beginning at 9:30 AM in the...
Have you started a story or essay and gotten stuck? Is there a novel you've worked on in fits and starts that could use greater focus? In this group, we’ll explore narrative building blocks—voice, tone, character development, setting, and plot—as well as the nitty gritty of sentence construction as we consider helpful strategies for revision...
D.I.Y. FramingWednesday, April 26, 5:00 - 7:00 pmAdultsIn this workshop, you will learn the basics of matting and framing your art. You will learn how to properly measure a mat, cut mat boards, assemble the artwork in the frame, and much more. Bring your artwork, and frame, and go home with a ready to hang...
Rye Historical Society and School of the Holy Child would like to invite you to a memorial honoring two Rye residents, Rose and Jack. Rose and Jack were enslaved people who lived and worked on the Halsted property, known today as the Timothy Knapp House. We are acknowledging the lives of Rose and Jack as...
Join the Rye Youth Council for their annual benefit on Thursday, April 27th, 7 - 10 pm at The Apawamis Club to support RYC programs and services and enjoy an evening of delicious hors d'oeuvres, a buffet dinner, open bar, live musical performances and dancing. RYC will honor Kim O'Connor, a licensed clinical social worker,...
Clay Art Center’s (Port Chester, NY) Good Vibrations Exhibition (April 28 – June 3) features ceramic works by CAC artist members that express a sense of joy through the dynamic use of color. Works selected by Guest Juror Cory Brown explore the expressive and lively variations of color that lift the spirit and vibrate the...