Home Government Rye Capital Improvements Project Name: Police/Court Building Improvements

Rye Capital Improvements Project Name: Police/Court Building Improvements

Rye Capital Improvements Project Name: Police/Court Building Improvements

The news cycle is pretty slow here is Rye in August…

So we thought we'd profile some of the 55 projects on Rye City's capital improvement plan. These are projects (not a budget) of costs greater than $15,000 that are on a recommended plan for the 2015 – 2019+ time horizon.

Read the entire plan (starting on page 4) or tell us what you thing of the various projects are we profile them:

1 police court building improvements

Project Name: Police/Court Building Improvements

Project Type: Building
Department: Police
Project Priority: High
Project Start Date: 2015
Project End Date: 2016

Project Description:
The Office of Court Administration (OCA) has identified needed upgrades to the Rye City Court. The
existing Police Department lacks operational and security needs and will require mechanical upgrades in
the future. The project includes construction of new secured sally port, elevator, interior stairwell,
expanded court clerk facilities, judges’ chamber, court officer facilities and prisoner holding facility.

Estimated Project Costs:

Engineering/Design $75,000
Construction $1,175,000 
Total $1,250,000 

Sources of Funding: 
Debt 2015: $75,000; 2016: $1,175,0000; Total: $1,250,000

Project Need/Issues:
Finding suitable sites to accommodate a 25,000 to 30,000 square foot police/court facility is difficult andvery expensive with some estimates ranging between $17M and $25M, excluding property acquisition. City-owned property at 1037 BPR was deemed not to be a suitable site for a police/court facility in the JCJ study. The only viable remaining option is to improve the existing building to address deficiencies identified by the Office of Court Administration and Police Department. A November 2012 bond referendum is considered the funding source for this project. Construction would not be anticipated until 2016.


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