Police Blotter: Singers, Gone with the Wind; Sub-Prime Behavior & More
The police blotter is a highlight of recent activity from the City of Rye Police Department.
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Political DMZ. October 21. Peck Avenue / Station Plaza. City Code Violation – Other. complainant states there are political signs in the right of way. car 15 sent. sign removed from peck/plaza, not sign seen in the area of Avon. 2x removed
Needs a Sea Tow. October 21. Milton Harbor, Long Island Sound. Vessel In Distress. caller reports her boat broke down. pb-1 notified
Singers, Gone with the Wind. October 21. Forest Avenue / Waters Edge. Noise Complaint. Caller reported youths singing loudly. NO YOUTHS OBSERVED AT LOCATION, GONE PRIOR TO PD ARRIVAL, 98.
Shh! October 22. Harbor Terrace Drive. Noise Complaint. Caller reported loud music. Music turned off and guests leaving. 98
Eye on the Feds. October 22. FBI Office, 600 Midland Avenue. Property Check.
Ding Dong Ditch. October 23. Oakland Beach Avenue. Suspicious Person. Caller reported that an unknown party was ringing the door bell and then went over to her garage to attempt to gain entry into the garage. SPOKE WITH THE HOMEOWNER, LATER IDENTIFIED AS ____, WHO ADVISED THAT SHE DID NOT OBSERVE THE PARTY WHO RANG HER DOORBELL AND THAT SHE DOESN’T KNOW ANYONE FROM THE AREA. NO SIGNS OF FORCED ENTRY. AREA CANVASSED NEGATIVE RESULTS. 10-98.
W(h)ining. October 24. G. Griffin Wine & Spirits, 498 Forest Avenue. Alarm-Burglary. G. GRIFFIN WINE & SPIRITS. GLASS BREAK MOTION. PERMIT #2385. Backed. all secure 98
Not Secure. October 24. 93 Oakland Beach Avenue. Suspicious Person. Resident wishes to report a suspicious incident regarding to males who claimed they worked for a home security service. sworn statement completed. report to follow.
Sub-Prime Behavior. October 25. Future Ocean Blue Prime restaurant / Former La Panetiere restaurant, 530 Milton Road. Assist Rye Fire Department. 60 control requested assistance for FD. They stated that FD was dealing with an irate business owner. backed. TOT FD. BACKED.
Nothing Fishy. October 26. Rye Town Dock, 499 Stuyvesant Avenue. Environment Conservation Comp. Checked 2 people fishing at about 1515, no violations observed. OV Call: