Rye People: 33 Across: Paula Gamache

Our third and final profile of the Rye city council Freshman Three is Paula Gamache (see our interviews with Catherine Parker and Joe Sack). Paula declined MyRye.com’s request for an interview, but we cobbled together some information on our new council member.

Name: Paula Gamache

Elected Position:  Rye City Council member as of January 1, 2008

Day Job:  A retired investment adviser, Gamache is now a well-known “big shot (crossword) puzzle author”, according to The Washington Post.Paula_gamache_and_vic_fleming

(PHOTO) Gamache is pictured here with fellow crossword author Vic Fleming.

Political affiliation?


More About Gamache:

Gamache, 57, holds a B.A. from Wellesley College and a M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. She is a former managing editor of the Rye Record. Her husband, Serge Nivelle, is a fashion photographer who owns an eponymous photography studio downtown on Hudson Street.Serge_nivelle_client_list He does work on behalf of clients such as Avon, Chico’s and Neiman Marcus.

Where does Gamache live in Rye?

Gamache and her husband, Serge Nivelle, live at 14 Lake Road, in the Greenhaven section of Rye.

How else is Gamache involved in the community?

Gamache serves on the City of Rye Finance Committee until January 1st. Her husband, Serge Nivelle serves on the City’s Board of Appeals (along with new council member Joe Sack). Gamache is also a trustee of Mamaroneck’s Emelin Theater and is active with the Wellesley-in-Westchester club.

In 2003, she was active with the Friends of the Rye Meeting House along with residents Fred Cummings, Lisa Easton, Rhoda Kornreich and Douglas Kreeger. Gamache is also a donor to the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County, along with Rye Mayor Steve Otis.

Gamache’s contact information:

Your phone: 381-3010
Your email address: PaulaG6575 (AT) aol.com



  1. Declined the MyRye interview? Is it against Rye city council policy or am I missing something? Is that the same as Hillary avoiding Fox News? Too bad would have been nice to see a new council member asked tough (hopefully) questions given the election was uncontested.

  2. “Big shot [crossword] puzzle author”?? While I personally am in awe of crossword puzzle authors, and mean no disrespect to Paula herself, “Big shot crossword puzzle author” is hilarious! I think you get paid $200 for a puzzle, and the 22 or so people who actually do think you’re a big shot are, let’s say, often socially challenged … (perhaps me included) … gave me a chuckle!

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